Meet BioBuds

Join the program that strengthens your connection to to CBS.

What is BioBuds?

BioBuds is a CBS mentorship program that pairs CBS underclassmen with CBS upperclassmen to foster mentor-mentee relationships within our community. Mentors and mentees are paired are based off of shared identities, interests, academic studies, and career goals (among other things that you identify as most important to you). You will be connected with your match at the beginning of the semester and will meet with your BioBud throughout the semester to strengthen your relationship. The CBS Student Board will hold a required kickoff event for the program, followed by optional events throughout the semester.

The Match Process

Here are some common shared interests that we’ve used to match BioBuds in the past:

  • Gender

  • LQBTQ+


  • International Students

  • First-Generation College Students

  • Social Identities

  • Similar CBS Experiences

  • Majors

  • Minors

  • Career Goals

  • Graduate School

  • Medical School

  • Dental School

  • Research Interests


  • TBA

Stay in the loop.

If you’re interested in the program (but aren’t ready to get started this semester) just fill out the interest form below with your x500 email address and you’ll get a communication from the BioBuds team at the start of the next BioBuds cycle!